Thursday, February 21, 2013


She Had "It"
There are many ways to perceive information other than through the five senses (sight, hearing, taste, touch, smell). 

Multidimensionally (existing outside of the five physical senses), many receive information via clairvoyance (clear seeing), clairaudience (clear hearing), clairsentience (clear sesning), clairgustance (clear taste) or through claircognizance (clear knowing) or any combination if you are skilled in multiple modalities, as am I.  

She Had "It"
Often times, these abilities run in bloodlines.  My maternal grandmother, my mom, me and now my granddaughter.  I have no hard evidence that the ancestral women in my family possessed these abilities, but I have a very strong sense that they did.

The KNOWING is considered claircognizance (clear knowing).  The receiver will get an intuitive “hit” as an instant download of information that needs no processing or interpretation.  This is my primary ability, although, as mentioned, I utilize all of the above, including mediumship (the ability to connect with the deceased).

I Have "It"
Not all people who experience psychic phenomena are able to tap into all of the abilities described above.  Most seem to have a propensity toward one or two areas and tend to stick with those modalities.  Of all my abilities, claircognizance is the most profound and has brought the most challenges.

More than once (too many instances), when I was younger and pre-healer, the information I received was discounted by those closest to me.  My family was either uninterested or fearful, my husband at the time seem threatened.  This was a big pill to swallow; I was so excited – elated – by the fact that Spirit was communicating with me!  I knew I shouldn’t take it personally, but I did.  I felt that so much love flowing through the psychic pipeline and I just couldn’t understand why my peeps didn’t want any part of it. 
She Has "It"

If you have the KNOWING, trust it.  Those around you may not understand, or even try vehemently to discount your information.  A good way to handle this is to keep the information to yourself in the beginning.  As time goes by and you have been able to gain evidence to support your insight, it will become less important that others believe you.  You will believe YOU because you trust your source – Spirit.


Healer, Psychic Profiler, Medium, Writer, I am available for private sessions by appointment only. Through Psychic Insights, I identify and cut unhealthy energetic cords. Releasing negative energetic connections allows you to function at a higher vibrational frequency and reduces or eliminates previous emotional charge.

Available for current and cold case criminal investigations.

619-573-5927 ~

Shift Happens!

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